As Good As There

As Good As There

Tonight I am thinking
I have had quite enough
The violinist sitting on the rocks
Singing the sun to sleep
Has food shopping to do, checks to deposit
And a bed to make
He, like us, can never invest his whole
There is always something else
Something that’s more- a glance
A second, a moment

From the mouth of the crow
I hear the truth of my heart
My clock chimes at
times off from yours
Fifteen and forty-five
My mind is on a car ride to
New York, my eyes are in yours
And my heart shivers, naked in the corner
Confined to a room with walls
Padded with mother, father, sister…

Maybe I should be in California
Or maybe I should dance a little longer
Or maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut
And listened

When I sit to map it all out
Find clarity
I wonder to Italian dinners, car shows, candy stores
And suddenly, I’m off my
I got a quarter after and
I’m late
It’s raining and I’m
Outside getting wet,
Weighed down, burdened
Each step home is heavier
A chore
The more difficult, the more I ache
For it

I can do it…not now but
I’m sure I will another time,
But I‘ll be there sometime
My turn to fall, to feel
To see it looking out, looking up
I want to sit in my bed
Singing myself to sleep
But I guess I’m just some place else


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