

Why is this day
The day I face
The truth
I am the poison.
Breath the poison
Eat the poison
Give the poison.
Teach it
Hide it
Sneak it.
I am the poison.
Clear and warm
Appearing to be
Not benign but
I appear so safe
But I am the poison.
All the good is tainted
And will be forgotten much
Quicker than it was
The good was all a futile
A masking agent
For the poison

I am the poison
Created and delivered
Without intent to hurt
Maim, destroy
But released to all
Of you.
The young
The trusting
The hurt and injured
You have all been infected
By me
I am the poison.

As I lay here in what
Should not be my bed
I wonder if it ever
Could have been any different
If any decision or action
Could have changed the
Fact that I am
The poison.
But it is all in the past now
And only one decision remains-
Can I be
I must be stopped for
I am the poison.


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