

All it takes is a
All it ever takes is a moment
For everything to
Slip- to shift.
A full blossom is only a
Firm, gust away from separation.
Dispersed, so
Simple so easy-
It is angering
It is almost too damn easy.
Someone should make
It more difficult
To change the course of my entire life.
Who has time to
Tip-toe through every
Moment of life?
And what is to say that
Being careful would
Ensure safety.
So to recap- nothing can
Stop one of those moments
Avoiding one could back
You into another.
It just makes me want to
Stretch my arms out as
Wings and
Run as fast as I can.
Not avoiding the moments
But going on the offensive-
Engaging the moment before
It sideswipes me.

In a quiet minute
I change my mind.
Good or bad
There is something
Undeniably romantic, sexy,
About the moment.
Out of thin air
The moment
My stomach drops and I
Lose my breath.
That first glance
Or smile shared.
The ultimate beauty
Of a bodily
Reaction to a moment
When the tangible force of
Meets the very soul-
And births a moment.


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